Acoustic Panel Installation at Main Library, 8/24/2020

To improve the sound quality in the Main Library in Lakeview, acoustic panels will be installed over the next month. Portions of the building, including some books and the library meeting room, may be inaccessible to the public on certain days. Library staff ask for your patience with extra time required to obtain your materials and with any construction noise.
The library meeting room is temporarily closed to public use while the acoustic panels are installed. Installation requires construction workers to use a lift inside the building. As workers install panels in different parts of the library, different sections of shelving will be closed for the safety of library patrons. Library staff recommend allowing extra time to get library materials as staff may only have access to pull holds once per day when shelves are closed for installation.
“We are very excited to have acoustic panels installed. Everyone will notice much better sound quality with less echoing, especially in the meeting room.” said Amy Hutchinson, Library Director. Funding for installation of the panels was provided by the Fred W. Fields Fund and the Jerome S. and Barbara Bischoff Library Subfund of the Oregon Community Foundation as well as the Lake County Library Endowment Fund.

After acoustic panels are installed, wood window trim is the largest remaining interior work to complete. Library staff and Building Committee are working to obtain updated cost information and raise funds for that work. Questions about the new Main Library project may be directed to Amy Hutchinson, Library Director, at 541-957-6019 or