Buy A Brick is Back!, 11/21/2018

The Lake County Library District is happy to announce that your wishes for another opportunity to buy a brick have been granted. Between now and March 31, 2019, you can put your message on a brick for only $100. Preserve your family name, honor the memory of a loved one, recognize your business, or give a lasting gift to someone special. Bricks will be engraved in the summer of 2019.
“An engraved brick is a wonderful holiday gift that lasts more than a lifetime,” said Sally Fitzgerald, Building Committee Chair.
“You can put a loved one’s name right in the heart of the community,” said Fitzgerald.
The Library Building Committee is pursuing donations from donors as well as grant funding to complete the interior of the Main Library building in 2019. Proceeds from the brick sales and ongoing fundraising will be used to put these finishing touches in place: acoustic panels throughout the library, window and baseboard trim, window coverings, navigational signs, brand panel installation, courtyard furnishings, and more reading chairs and tables.
Library Director Amy Hutchinson estimates to complete the interior of the building will cost about $225,000 with the current hot construction market. With about $125,000 in the building fund right now, the library needs to raise about $100,000 to complete the work. Only about 400 bricks are available, so act quickly to get yours.
To order, you can download a copy of the brick form online or pick one up at the Main Library. (Online purchases are coming soon.) For questions about the bricks or more information about the library, contact Library Director Amy Hutchinson at 541-947-6019 or