Income Survey Underway for Christmas Valley Library, 1/12/2022

Residents in the Christmas Valley area may be getting a knock on their door for a very important reason. Local volunteers will be visiting door-to-door to follow up on mailed income surveys to Christmas Valley Water District residents and selected residents within 10 miles of the Christmas Valley Branch Library. A complete and accurate income survey is the first step of determining funding eligibility for improvements to the Christmas Valley Water District infrastructure and a new library facility. Income surveys must be collected from at least 80% of residents or selected residents for both projects in order to proceed.
The confidential survey is being conducted by staff at Portland State University. Every effort is being made to keep survey answers and respondents names separated. Survey answers are completely confidential. Completed surveys are returned to PSU in sealed envelopes so no local volunteers will see any survey responses. PSU will average all answers and only the averages will be shared.
“We know we are asking for information people may be uncomfortable sharing, but the benefit to the community from doing so has the potential to be huge,” said Library Director Amy Hutchinson. “If the income survey is completed and the library service area qualifies, building a new branch library for Christmas Valley within the next five years suddenly becomes a very real possibility,” said Hutchinson. Questions may be directed to Amy Hutchinson at the Main Library at 541-947-6019 or via email at