Judy Blais Reading and Book Signing in Lakeview 10/25/17, 10/20/2017
The Lake County Library District is pleased to host local author Judy Blais for a reading and book signing at the Main Library in Lakeview at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, October 25, 2017. Blais will be reading from, talking about, and signing her book Slow Yoga, Slow Aging, which covers her journey towards healing from rheumatoid arthritis.

Blais grew up in Minnesota and moved to Oregon in her mid-forties. She has been a horse trainer, a newspaper reporter, and industrial writer, and a yoga teacher. Curious about aging to begin with, she underwent a journey of discovery after being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. She researched and learned to listen to her body when it came to diet and exercise. Slow Aging, Slow Yoga showcases what she learned. It also includes yoga routines to be completed in bed, in a chair, and in a hot tub.
This free public program is suitable for adults. Blais will read from her work and offer a short question and answer session before signing books. Copies of books will be available for purchase at the event.
For more information about this program, please contact Library Director Amy Hutchinson at 541-947-6019 or amyh@lakecountylibrary.org.