Libraries Drop Mask Requirement, Resume Normal Hours, 7/1/2021

Effective immediately masks or face coverings are no longer required at Lake County Library District locations in accordance with state guidance, and library operations will return to normal operating hours. Oregon Health Authority strongly recommends that people who are not fully vaccinated wear a mask or face covering when with others not from their household. Library patrons are welcome to enter the library with or without a mask or face covering. No documentation is required.
Oregon Health Authority and Oregon OSHA updated guidance documents earlier this week, retiring the County Risk Protection Framework and its sector guidance and allowing face mask and physical distancing requirements to expire. Library Take Out service will remain available for any patron who prefers not to enter a library facility. HEPA air filter units will continue to run in all library locations, and clear barriers at service desks will remain in place.
“These changes have allowed us to not only no longer require masks, but to reduce our level of cleaning to a more normal schedule,” said Library Director Amy Hutchinson. “We are very happy to offer our normal library hours again,” said Hutchinson. Questions about the procedures or the library may be directed to Amy Hutchinson at the Main Library at 541-947-6019 or via email at