Main Library Hours Change 9/3/19, 8/7/2019

The Main Library in Lakeview will have fresh new hours beginning on Tuesday, Septem-ber 3, 2019: Tuesday through Friday 10 AM to 7 PM and Saturdays 12 PM to 4 PM. The library will be closed Sundays and Mondays. Library hours are being reduced from about 50 per week to 40 per week because of budget constraints due to a drop in tax revenue.
During June and July, a survey was conducted of residents in and around the Lakeview are to determine which library hours were most important. From the survey, Library Director Amy Hutchinson learned that different parts of the day were important to different groups of library patrons. “In analyzing the responses, I realized we really needed a balance of hours to best serve the Lakeview community,” said Hutchinson. “The new schedule provides morning, afternoon, and evening hours four weekdays and retains the four hours of public use on Saturdays.”
The Lake County Library District board approved new Main Library hours of operation at their August 1, 2019 meeting, and the new hours will go into effect the Tuesday after Labor Day. The branch library hours, which are open between one and two and a half days per week, will be unchanged.
For questions or more information about the new hours or the library, contact Library Director Amy Hutchinson at 541-947-6019 or