Trick or Treat Lakeview 10/31/19, 10/25/2019

Are you looking for a safe, fun, daytime Halloween event? Look no more as one will be happening all around Lakeview. From 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Thursday, October 31, 2019, local community organizations and businesses will be opening their doors to trick or treaters!
The event was inspired by the Department of Human Services office in Klamath Falls, which annually puts on a Halloween open house to give their youngest clients a safe place to trick or treat. Michelle Totten, Family Coach at the Lakeview DHS office, brought the idea up at the September United Community Action Network meeting. Many other community organizations jumped at the chance to get in on the Halloween fun. From there, the idea spread to local businesses as well.
Lake County Library District staff prepared a flyer that lists all participating locations. The link to download the flyer is at right.
Lake County’s United Community Action Network is a collaboration of community partners to promote well-being and healthy actions in Lake County. For questions about UCAN, please contact Francie Winters at 541-947-2114 ext. 441. For questions about the Trick or Treat event, please contact Library Director Amy Hutchinson at or 541-947-6019.