2017 Library Endowment Dinner, 10/2/2017
The Lake County Library Endowment Fund will host Cleve Brock, musician and author, as speaker for the 2017 Library Endowment Dinner. The dinner will be held at 6:30 PM on Saturday, October 21, 2017, at the Elks Lodge. Friends of the Lake County Library will hold a no-host reception fundraiser at the new Main Library from 5 to 6 PM.
Brock, author of Better than the Beatles, a memoir of growing up in Lake County, was born in the Lake County Hospital when it was a little rock building across from the Catholic Church. He grew up and received his public schooling in the Lake County School District achieving a G.P.A. of somewhere around 2.0. In spite of being advised by his High School Counselor to attend a trade school, the author told the counselor to shove it, and attended Southern Oregon College (not University) as a music major.
Here, the author excelled and fit right into the scene in Ashland, Oregon, receiving honors (from his mom) for eventually graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in eight short years. During his college days he played rock n roll music every Friday and Saturday night while traveling on the road with his rock band.
The author later spent two years in Houston, Texas and learned to speak the Southern language. After mastering “Southern”, he attended college again and got a haircut. After college he traveled to the San Francisco Bay Area where he grew his hair out once again and met a California Blonde girl. They married and have six children who all play music better than, and write the English language better than, their father.
This year’s fundraising items include artwork, wine basket, a collection of books written by local authors, and more. Regular raffle tickets are $1 each, six tickets for $5, or arms’ length for $20. All raffle tickets sales begin on Monday, October 9, 2017 in the Main Library. You need not be present at the dinner to win raffle items.
Tickets to the dinner are $25 and may be purchased or reserved at the Lakeview library. No ticket or reservation is required for the no-host reception at the Main Library, which is open to all. Questions about the event may be directed to Amy Hutchinson, Lake County Library Director, at 541-947-6019.